
Professor, Rector

Eiropas Kristīgā akadēmija - European Christian Academy

Skaidrite Gutmane is a distinguished literary critic, scholar, and theologian known for her significant contributions to the field of Latvian literature. Her professional journey began in 1978 with her first publication, “Lyric Novel of the Latvian 70s,” in the magazine Karogs, which laid the groundwork for her extensive research in this area. She later defended her thesis on the same topic, “Latvian Lyrical Novel of the 70s: An Attempt at Systemic Analysis,” showcasing her analytical prowess.

Gutmane has published numerous articles and reviews in various press outlets, contributing to the literary discourse in Latvia. Her academic journey began at Pēteras Stučkas Latvian State University, where she completed her postgraduate studies in 1980 after graduating from the Department of Latvian Language and Literature in 1968.

Throughout her career, she has held several academic positions. From 1980 to 1985, she served as a lecturer at the Faculty of Philology at Pēteras Stučkas Latvian State University, where she taught courses on the literature of the peoples of the USSR and Latvian folklore. She then taught literature at the Riga Applied Arts Secondary School from 1986 to 1992 and subsequently joined the University of Latvia, where she lectured in the Faculty of Theology and offered courses on national traditions and literature.

From 1992 to 1999, Gutmane led the Latvian Diaconia Institute, furthering her commitment to education and social issues. In 1999, she became the Rector of the Latvian Christian Academy in Jurmala, solidifying her leadership role in higher education.

With a profound understanding of literature and culture, Skaidrite Gutmane continues to influence the field through her scholarly work and dedication to teaching.


Skaidrite Gutmane